I've been involved in golf course maintenance since 1982. During that time I've attended plenty of meetings, both at the national and local chapter level. Years ago, meetings consisted of 1 to 3 hours of an educational presentation followed by lunch and then golf. While this is probably still the basic structure of the average superintendent association meeting, there are now a whole bunch of other activities going on that shatter that dusty old meeting recipe.
Many chapters are going to more social events to get their members out of the office and engaged in things not necessarily related to golf. Sure, there is still plenty of talk amongst the members at these events concerning problems at work, but there is a more relaxed feeling of a group of friends getting together rather than an industry group. Perhaps the greatest part of these new social meetings is the fact that you are encouraged to bring your spouse and children along, as well. For years we've known each other as turf managers and business people, but now we have a chance to get to know our fellow members as fathers, husbands and neighbors - and that's a great thing.
Here are some of the activities I know of that local chapters are doing to make meetings less formal and encourage attendance: beach parties, oyster roasts, pro baseball games, auto races, deep sea fishing trips, skeet shooting, bass fishing competitions, bowling, college tailgates and plenty of other activities. I'm guessing your chapter already holds similar events, but if they aren't maybe it's time to think outside the box a bit to help bring your members together. We all work hard at our jobs, isn't it time to have a bit of fun?
Next week I'm heading to a meeting that is very unconventional, so much so that I don't even want to say what it is. Look for a story and perhaps a few images in the next blog. Until then, don't forget to use your sunscreen, it's starting to get hot out there!