The world of golf will send it's largest group to date to Washington, D.C., this year to send a message to U.S. lawmakers on everything good the game of golf brings to the world. This is the 8th annual trip to the capital for the We Are Golf coalition, which consists of GCSAA staff, board members, Government Relations Committee members and other prominent leaders in the world of golf. Some of the points being discussed will be the economic impact of the game of golf, environmental stewardship, pending legislation, such as the H2B program, and potential changes to the Clean Water Act and "Waters of the U.S."
Even though your not going to D.C. for the meetings you can still help the cause. Let your local congressman or senator know the benefits golf provides by becoming a Grass Roots Ambassador in your home district. We already have over 150 throughout the U.S., but we need twice that many. Over the next week, include the hash tag #NGD15 in your tweets in order to connect people to the mission behind National Golf Day and help raise awareness about the event. Be a leader in your community and showcase the economic and environmental benefits that golf can bring to your city.
By the way, your taxes are still due on April 15th as well....