About eight years ago, the membership of GCSAA took time from their busy day to complete an environmental survey about their facility. Those numbers continue to pay huge dividends today in our efforts to inform the general public and policy makers in Washington, D.C., about who we are as an industry. We need to know the metrics of golf course maintenance in order to carry on the discussion of the impact of golf on our world.
Now it's time to take a fresh look at the environmental impact of golf. In October, the EIFG will roll out the new Golf Course Environmental Profile, which will be filled out electronically by superintendents around the country. This will be the first of five surveys over the next three years and will focus largely on water usage at facilities around the country. It is vital that we get a large number of responses to the survey to insure that the numbers are a true reflection of what is happening at facilities on a daily basis. Please take the time to accurately fill out the survey when you receive it. We can't have the valuable information that we need to promote golf without your help!